Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Automator-like tool for Linux

In Mac OSX Tiger, Apple introduced a new tool to allow end users to easily create macros which are capable of performing a task repetitively. With automator, users drop actions onto a diagram, and Automator will automatically pipe data between the actions.

Examples of automator usage can be found on

Any solution which is created should work as well on one Desktop environment as it does on others.

The clone could also be embedded into applications, with custom actions, so photoshop for instance could have custom actions that affect the current image like cropping, or despeckle, etc. And the Application produced at the end could be a perl script (but preferably something which can perform actions in the gui like show dialog boxes, and asking for files to open).

Yes perl scripts dont take much to code, but we could make them even easier to code (and more friendly) by dropping them in a diagram based script, and asking for a file in the gui before it, passing it to the perl script instead of screwing around in command line.

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